Joyous, magical, and calling for immense reserves of understanding and multitasking; in this Top Tip Tuesday Masterclass we discussed supporting the transition that takes place (for adults and older children) when there is a new addition to our household.
❤️ Validation of older children’s feelings of frustration and jealousy .
❤️ Cultivating deep respect between siblings through not forcing affection or acceptance in the early days and weeks.
❤️ Preparing the home so that baby can be included in all areas of the home life (not trying to ‘keep them apart’) from older siblings.
❤️ The changes we undergo when adapting from 1 to 2 children and our inner work in adapting to this change.
The Montessori Mission: a window into the diversity and richness of Montessori around the world, is available on Kindle and paperback from Amazon:… Visit for my online Montessori Parenting Programmes, Workshops and Meditations for children. I’ll see you there! *All podcast sessions originally recorded on Instagram Live, see my IGTV @enrichingenvironments for the video with captions, also available on Spotify, ITunes &