Episode 1 – ‘Help me to do it myself!’ Podcast

Thank you for joining me for the @enrichingenvironments Podcast:

Here in Episode 1 we discover the rallying cry of every young child, even infants: ‘Help me to do it myself!’

It is humbling to see how capable even the youngest child can be when s/he is given the opportunity.

It is astonishing to see how the simplest arrangement of a few key items at our child’s height can support, empower and settle them.

We offer our littlest children an environment that is designed with their capability and self-direction in mind, so they can unfold into capable human beings.

There are lots of small changes that we can make today to make our homes really child-friendly, and lots of big changes too!

Visit enrichingenvironments.com SHOP for my transformative online Parent Enrichment Courses.  I’ll see you there!

*All podcast sessions originally recorded on Instagram Live, see my IGTV @enrichingenvironments for the video.