How should I respond when my Toddler is being irrational and illogical? Episode 13 – Season 2 – The Enriching Environments Podcast

In this episode we looked at how we should we respond when our young children are being irrational, unreasonable and impossible.

Some of the ‘issues’ that we face with our children can be attributed to the mismatch that occurs between our expectations, and their immaturity, both in age and in brain development. 

Moments of dysregulation (for our children and for ourselves) are when the thinking brain goes ‘offline’. 

As our child, learns, grows and develops in their impulse control (with our support), can we too learn to ride the waves of their emotional expression and not get caught up in it? Thank you for joining me!

The Montessori Mission: a window into the diversity and richness of Montessori around the world, is available on Kindle and paperback from Amazon:… for my online Montessori Parenting Programmes, Workshops and Meditations for children. I’ll see you there!

*All podcast sessions originally recorded on Instagram Live, see my IGTV @enrichingenvironments for the video with captions, also available on Spotify, ITunes &