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The Montessori Mission: Diversity - Wisdom - Reflection Paperback

The montessori Mission

The Montessori Mission is the most important book on childhood and education for a generation; through the exceptional minds of 10 Montessori influencers, it provides us with a roadmap for parenting and education that has the power to nourish and raise up our children and communities in which we live.

The Montessori Mission is a project of passion, birthed from a deep desire to showcase the breadth, depth, diversity and inclusivity that Montessori offers (but, unfortunately, isn’t always reflected in the stereotypical image of a Montessori setting).

Conceived originally as a 10-episode Podcast Series, the magic contained in these pages comes from the guests, and their willingness to share their deep and fascinating lived experiences. I am deeply grateful.

Rich chapters with reflection practices

Each chapter takes us on a beautiful journey into the lives of my ten inspiring guests from around the world. Rich, compelling and heartfelt interviews from the guests invoke joy and hope; followed by Reflective Practices that draw out key insights from each guest. These insights offer us thought-provoking exercises in journaling, embodiment and creativity that invite us deeper into grace and open-heartedness . Each chapter finishes with a peek into the world of the guests; their culture, their art, and their path as Educators.

What people are saying...

"I was telling my husband that it feels so bittersweet to read this when my children are teens and young adults. Unfortunately, I did not find NVC and respectful parenting until they were tweens, but I honestly think it’s never too late to understand these principles. As I learn to love and respect myself better, I naturally do so for my kids and grandkids. We just had them all over yesterday and we can model respect for autonomy, boundaries, agency, and expression now! Thank you for your beautiful work, Charlotte. "
"A lovely gift for all who are looking to elevate parenting and education."
"Why is this book so special, you ask? Because it's like a manual for the prepared adult. The true work is our OWN growth, because we're modeling for the children what it means to be an imperfect human living a full life. This book contains wisdom and inspiration from Montessorians across cultures and generations. It also includes journal prompts, poetry, and artwork to fill your soul. It's a gift that you can give yourself, and by preparing yourself spiritually you'll be a much calmer and loving guide for your children."
"What a joy it has been to hold this book in my hands! It has been a true honour to contribute to this very inspired project - thank you." Barbara Isaacs Co-Founder of Montessori Musings and President of Montessori Europe

Why should you buy this book?

It has become clear to many of us that education needs a complete overhaul for it to serve the needs of children, parents and our planet in the 21st century. We have seen that each of us has a responsibility to raise capable, compassionate contributors in order to create a more just and equal world.

Through the work of Dr Maria Montessori over one hundred years ago, we already have the model we need to create a more peaceful, just and harmonious world through our parenting, and gives us very clear hope of what education can be for all people.

The Montessori Mission is an essential book for Educators, influencers, parents and caregivers who want to expand their understanding of Montessori Education and parenting. The book also offers tools for reflection and journalling, adding depth to your understanding of the wealth of teachings in each chapter.

The Montessori Mission: Diversity - Wisdom - Reflection Paperback
Charlotte Awdry

About the Author

Montessori Educator, Parenting Mentor, Podcast Host, Author and Big Dreamer – Charlotte supports parents and Educators on their path of raising and guiding capable, caring, contributors, so that each of us can play our unique part in creating a more peaceful, just, and harmonious world for all. Her vision is underpinned by the pioneering work of visionary Educator Dr Maria Montessori, nurturing the natural development of each child—physical, emotional and spiritual. Charlotte lives in Dubai with her two young children, where she seeks to live a life of passion and purpose; transforming Montessori from an alternative education to a mainstream way of life—for the upliftment and nourishment of all beings.


"Montessori to me just means potential; potential for what education can be, potential to change our thinking about how children learn best, and potential to facilitate environments for learning for all children."

Tatenda Blessing Muchiriri
Member Board Of Directors at Moon & Stars Foundation.

Buy the book Now

A must-read for anyone wanting to deepen their understanding of Montessori around the world, and for those looking to create an Enriching Environment using the Montessori approach to parenting and education.

The Montessori Mission: Diversity - Wisdom - Reflection Paperback